Photo Session Tips

How to Nail the Perfect Pose for Your Photos

Posing for photos can feel intimidating. We often see pictures taken at FotoLab where people look effortlessly cool, and we wonder, “How do they make it look so easy?” Well, we polled our customers at FotoLab and compiled a list of tips you can use to make sure your next photo shoot with us is on point!

Make sure to follow our Instagram for inspiration, or visit our website to book  a session with us. Apply these tips, and we’re sure you’ll love the results! 

1. Start with a Natural Posture

The key to a good pose is a relaxed, natural stance. Stand tall with your shoulders slightly back, but don't overdo it. You want to look comfortable, not rigid. Think of how you stand when you’re chatting with friends—that’s the energy you want to bring into your pose.

Pro Tip: Drop a little weight onto one leg. This keeps your position from becoming too rigid and creates a feeling of ease and casualness. Additionally, it helps give your posture a slight curvature, which looks fantastic in pictures.  

2. Angle Your Body

Facing the camera head-on can sometimes flatten your features, making the photo feel less dynamic. Instead, turn your body slightly to the side. This adds depth to the image and creates a more flattering silhouette.

Pro Tip: angle your body at about 45 degrees to the camera, and keep your chin slightly lifted. This creates a definition in your jawline and gives the photo a polished look.

3. Relax Your Hands 

One of the most common struggles in posing is figuring out what to do with your hands. Try not to overthink it! Keep them relaxed, either by your side, gently touching your face, or holding onto something like a jacket or accessory. The goal is to keep them soft and natural, not stiff or tense.

Pro Tip: Lightly touching your face or hair adds a casual, thoughtful element to your pose. This works great for more intimate or lifestyle shots, creating a sense of ease.

4. Find Your Best Facial Expression

Your face tells the story in a photo, so find an expression that feels comfortable and authentic. A natural smile or a slight smirk usually works best. Avoid trying to force a big grin unless it feels genuine.

Pro Tip: If you're unsure what to do with your face, take a deep breath, relax, and think of something that makes you happy. That little moment of joy will reflect in your expression, giving you a more genuine and natural look. 

5. Play with Your Angles 

Everyone has a “best side.” Experiment with slight turns of your head and body to see which angle you like best. It’s all about finding the positions where you feel most confident. 

6. Use Props for Comfort 

If you feel awkward standing with nothing in your hands, add a prop! Whether it’s a coffee cup, a hat, or even your phone, holding something can make you feel more at ease. It also helps give your hands something to do, making your pose feel more natural.

7. Loosen Up and Have Fun

Posing doesn’t have to be serious. Some of the best photos come when you’re relaxed and enjoying yourself. Move around, laugh, and don’t be afraid to try something silly. The more fun you’re having, the more it will show in the photos.

Final Tip for Perfecting Your Pose:

When in doubt, create movement. Posing isn’t about freezing in place; it’s about flowing naturally. Take small steps, shift your weight, or even twirl your hair. These subtle movements will help you avoid stiffness and add a sense of life to your photos. Think of it as posing in motion—keeping the energy going helps capture the best, most authentic version of you!

The best poses are the ones that make you feel comfortable and confident. Don’t worry about nailing the perfect stance every time—focus on being yourself, and the rest will fall into place. So, the next time you’re in front of the camera, take a deep breath, relax, and let your personality shine. We hope these tips help you nail your perfect photo the next time you're at FotoLab or just in front of the camera!

FotoLab is New York's First Self-Portrait Studio. Capture memories with your loved ones. Book us for your birthday or company event!